Spending Habits That Millennials Are Actively Avoiding And Why

Published on 09/06/2020


Golf has always been one of the unofficial American pastimes. However, millennials do not feel enticed to score a hole. For them, it is simply not worth using any of their precious free time on. There are a couple of reasons why millennials no longer hit up the golf course. For one thing, they find the sport to be too expensive or overpriced. Others also think that it is not exciting enough. Remember, these folks live in the age of stimulation, so we can understand why they cannot appreciate this sport.




Bars Of Soap

If you are a millennial, we bet you cannot even remember the last time you put a bar of soap in your grocery cart. How come this hygiene product is no longer as popular as it used to be? No, it does not mean that millennials are not washing up. On the contrary, MarketWatch reported that 60 percent of millennials believe them to be full of germs. They prefer to use body wash instead! While 60 percent of American senior citizens have no issues using a soap bar on their face, just a third of millennials would do the same thing. Interestingly, this has not spelled the end for the “soap cutting” trend.

Bars Of Soap

Bars Of Soap