Spending Habits That Millennials Are Actively Avoiding And Why

Published on 09/06/2020


There is a good chance that you should not rely on a doorbell if you want to gain entry into the home of a millennial. No, you are better of shooting a text message to the person who owns the place! As a whole, millennials no longer use doorbells. The first reason for this would be the fact that youngsters now live in apartment buildings instead of individual houses. Aside from this, the Wall Street Journal reported that “some smartphone-carrying Millennials and Gen Zers are so used to texting upon arrival that the sound of a ringing doorbell freaks them out.” People have gone as far as to say that the doorbell sound is “terrifying.”




Designer Clothing

When it comes to the reality TV shows of the early 2000s, the stars were often decked out in brand name labels. Even though this used to be a popular trend, the millennial generation is not interested in shelling out money for designer wear. Young people are much more interested in spending as little money on their clothes as possible, which explains the rise of fast fashion lines and thrift stores. The more economically and environment-friendly generation seems to be more practical than the folks who came before them in more ways than one! We are pretty impressed to hear that this is the case.

Designer Clothing

Designer Clothing