Spending Habits That Millennials Are Actively Avoiding And Why

Published on 09/06/2020


Once, it was unthinkable to leave the house without a crisp shirt. Those days have since come to pass. Irons are no longer the household staple they used to be. How come? Many fabrics are now advertised to be no-iron and wrinkle-free. People seem to actively avoid fabrics that need to be ironed on the regular. Besides, dryers can typically address creases well enough without doing anything else.




Land Lines

We bet that you do not have a home phone number either. However, we have other digits that might interest you instead. A survey claims that 66 percent of millennials live in a wireless home. Forty-one percent do not have landlines, although this would be higher if network and cable providers did not offer them for free. Cellphones are just much more convenient, so people see no point in wired phones.

Land Lines

Land Lines