You Won’t Believe These Movie Lines Were Made Up On The Spot

Published on 08/28/2018

A Few Good Men

We all know how excellent the movie A Few Good Men is. Even people who have not watched it should be familiar with the iconic line: “You can’t handle the truth!” This has become a meme and it is definitely one of the most recognizable dialogues ever. Perhaps its prominence is the same reason why it’s hard to believe that Jack Nicholson delivered it off the cuff.

A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men


When Harry Met Sally

Romantic comedies make up a lot of the films produced in this day and age, but nothing has come close to beating When Harry Met Sally for the crown. The wonderful Nora Ephron penned the screenplay but the scene where the two banter and Harry tells Sally, “I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie,” was actually not the writer’s doing!

When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally