Try These Superfoods If You Don’t Want To Gain Weight

Published on 09/21/2021

Boiled Potatoes

Because of its high carb content, many people avoid potatoes while attempting to lose weight, but they shouldn’t. Whole potatoes are high in vitamins, fiber, and other vital nutrients. They also include resistant starch, a kind of starch. The calories in regular starch are half those of resistant starch (2 instead of 4 calories per gram). It makes you feel full in the same way as soluble fiber does in your digestive tract. When resistant starch is added to meals to help people feel full, they consume fewer calories.

Boiled Potatoes

Boiled Potatoes


What Studies Say About Boiled Potatoes

After potatoes have been cooked, they should be cooled to enhance the amount of resistant starch they contain. In fact, studies show that chilling and reheating potatoes many times improves their hunger-suppressing effect. In research that evaluated the potential of 38 different foods to satisfy hunger, boiling potatoes came out on top. Boiling potatoes were the most filling food tested, while fried potato chips were found to be three times less full.

What Studies Say About Boiled Potatoes

What Studies Say About Boiled Potatoes