What Is Keeping Octomom & Her 14 Kids Busy These Days?

Published on 03/24/2019

Fun During Holidays

Things may not always be easy for the Suleman family, but they are happy and Nadya makes sure her children learn good values, like being content with getting only one present during Christmas. She said to US Weekly, “I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head.” She believes that doing this teaches her children to value all the things they receive, big or small, and not to expect things to be free, meaning they should put in the work to get what they want. Besides these reasons, Nadya’s finances cannot really support an extravagant lifestyle, so she chooses to keep things simple at Christmas.

Fun During the Holidays

Fun During the Holidays



We can only imagine what the first few days of class must be like for Nadya, a mom of fourteen! The stress levels must be really high and the 43-year-old mom actually shared her anxiety on social media by posting a photo of her youngest children smiling before they went to school. Her caption was: “Any other parents exceptionally stressed and overwhelmed by the first week back to school?” Nadya joked that her older kids refused to have their picture taken even though their mom begged them.

Going to School

Going to School