Raw Veggies
On her Instagram account, Nadya shared this photo with the caption: “Could we be anymore vegan?” Her six older children aren’t vegan, but her eight youngest kids enjoys eating raw greens, so there are golden or red beets, organic kale, bell peppers, and chard in their house and they often have health shakes in addition to eating home-cooked meals that have quinoa and sprouted lentils. They are pretty consistent with their diet and the desserts they eat are vegan as well, like the green apple with raw almond butter that they normally have. Since Nadya grew up as an ethical vegetarian, adopting the vegan lifestyle was not difficult for her and helped her recover from the various physical conditions caused by having multiple pregnancies and deliveries.

Raw Veggies
Complete Family
It is no easy feat getting Nadya and her 14 kids together for a family photo, so any time the family is together in one place is definitely a great opportunity to take photos of them smiling and laughing. Nadya shared this photo on Instagram with this caption: “So THIS is what happened when we attempted to take a fun family photo with as many family members as possible. Per usual, Elijah, Amerah, and JJ are absent from the pic.” Nowadays, thanks to social media, it is easy for Nadya to share special moments like this. As a matter of fact, her more interesting posts are the ones where we can get a peek of her life as a single mom single-handedly raising 14 children.

Complete Family