The Greatest Photos Captured By Trail Cams

Published on 11/19/2019

Nature Has Had Enough

This trail camera probably had a good run. According to its owner, this was the very last picture taken before it was smashed and broken. Nature has clearly spoken. This bird definitely looks like it’s ready for a fight. Even though it doesn’t look like a particularly scary bird, it must have been tired of being watched constantly.

Nature Has Had Enough

Nature Has Had Enough


Surrealist Painting

Yes, this picture is real. The sky is blown out in the background while the tiger isn’t very well lit, giving the poorly exposed picture a surrealist feeling. Weirdly enough, this picture is beautiful despite being taken in terrible quality. That trail must have been hot, too. Otherwise, it probably wouldn’t have dipped half of its body in mud to cool down.

Surrealist Painting

Surrealist Painting