Facts You Likely Don’t Know About U.S. Presidents

Published on 01/06/2020
The U.S. Presidents Facts You Might Not Know

Facts You Likely Don’t Know About U.S. Presidents


The president of the United States is the one who is solely responsible for the safety and wellbeing of each citizen at all times, no matter what. Some U.S. presidents took the oath to heart and did everything they could for their country, while others did not perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Here you’ll find all of the best and worst presidents in U.S. history. You may be surprised by some of them!

Ulysses S. Grant – 130

He is considered to be the “least smart” president, yet is IQ is still 15 points above average, so we’ll cut him some slack. First he was a Union Commanding Officer during the civil war, then he was the 18th president of the United States. From 1869 to 1877 while he was president, many people adored him. He graduated from West Point then made a name for himself from his duties during the Mexican-American War. He got elected to be president when he was only 47 years old, which, at the time, made him the youngest president ever! Many thought he had great ideas when it came to equality and justice for all, as he condemned the KKK and tried to make everyone equal. It’s also important to note that he was the first president to choose to elect both African American and Jewish American public officials.

Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant