Facts You Likely Don’t Know About U.S. Presidents

Published on 01/06/2020

Chester Arthur – 152.3

Chester Arthur was born in Vermont to two parents who immigrated to the U.S. from Ireland. He always wanted to be a president, and those dreams came true when he took over for James Garfield in 1881. He created the Pendleton Act, which ensured that citizens would earn federal government positions through a system based on merit instead of their political affiliations and connections. Arthur also forefronted the first immigration act which tried to keep “paupers, criminals, and lunatics” from entering the country. With an IQ of 152.3, he sure knew what he was doing.

Chester Arthur

Chester Arthur


James A. Garfield – 152.3

Fun fact: James A. Garfield was the one and only person to be elected into the presidency while still being a sitting member in the House of Representatives.Prior to this, he was a major general for the Union during the Civil War and he fought in multiple battles.During his six-month term, he was able to get rid of the corruption in the postal service as well as made the navy stronger. He was a strong advocate for universal education and civil rights, and even appointed several African-Americans, like Fredrick Douglass, into high positions. Unfortunately, he was assassinated in 1881.

James A. Garfield

James A. Garfield