Check Out The Rarest Puppy In The World

Published on 08/22/2019

The Green Puppy

Even though they would later be astonished by what they would find, they were determined to help Buttons with the delivery. If anything seemed wrong, they were there by her side. In the end, Buttons gave birth to eight adorable puppies! The couple was pleased to see this.

The Green Puppy

The Green Puppy

When they saw the first puppy appear, they were thrilled by the miracle. The same thing happened when they saw the second one. However, there was something rather odd about this second puppy. It was then that they noticed that its fur came with a green tinge.


Washing It Off

In the beginning, Kyle and Naomi thought that the slightly green coloring of the puppy’s fur was simply the effect of some birth liquid. We know that human babies are often covered in the amniotic sac, right? They assumed that this was also the case for the puppy.

Washing It Off

Washing It Off

Because of that, they decided to carefully wash this particular puppy. They hoped that this was going to be enough to make the hue go away. However, they soon realized that the greenish tint was not about to change no matter what they did. They knew it was strange since the other puppies did not have it.