Check Out The Rarest Puppy In The World

Published on 08/22/2019

Watching The Delivery

Even though there was nothing wrong with the pregnancy, they thought that something strange came up during the delivery. At this time, Louise and her child Claire both kept an eye on the process. As you can imagine, they had first row tickets to this magical event!

Watching The Delivery

Watching The Delivery

They did not want to intervene during the delivery and chose to ensure that the family dog was both comfortable and safe the entire time. However, they decided it was time for them to step in when they realized that there was something off. They only wanted to ensure that the mother and puppies were all safe. The last thing they wanted was for any of the animals to get hurt.


Two Options

Claire and Louise watched from the sidelines. They could see that the delivery was not going exactly according to plan. It was at that moment that they noticed how uncomfortable Rio seemed. When they took a closer look, they saw that one of the dogs got stuck!

Two Options

Two Options

They found the head poking out of there, although they took note that Rio seemed to be distracted as well. This is the reason Claire and Louise made the decision they did. There were only two options now: they could either keep their fingers crossed that Rio would keep pushing or they could step in to help. They decided it was better to take the second approach.