American Cities That Have A Really Poor Reputation

Published on 12/18/2019

Occasionally, cities get infamous for having a horrible reputation. There are cities in the U.S. that have developed a terrible reputation even if they do not deserve it! We have listed 45 American cities that are starting to suffer severely from the poor reputation they have. Hopefully, they will start improving things, but we do think many improvements can be seen any time soon. The stats for this list come from FBI statistics, the U.S. Census, and the U.S. Department of Labor unless otherwise stated.

Oso, Washington

Oso, Washington is a census-designated place (or a small town) located north of Seattle. In 2014, the town made headlines infamously for being the site of a terrible mudslide which killed 43 residents. What is worse is that when environmental experts carried out investigations into geological surveys, they found out that it had been already known that the place was prone to mudslides. While the place may not be highly violent, getting killed there still feels too easy!

Oso, Washington

Oso, Washington


Farmington, New Mexico

Farmington is an America metropolitan area with the dubious distinction of having the greatest population loss these past 6 years. According to Wall 24/7, the city’s population decreased by 8.76% between 2010 and 2015. A terrible chemical spill at the Halliburton facility back in 2006 and several civil rights investigations likely helped bring about the decline.

Farmington, New Mexico

Farmington, New Mexico