You should always value your time, which is why it is important to check out if a movie is worth watching before you go see it. Most people use Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator site, for this very reason. The “Tomatometer” lets you know if it has received positive or negative reception by categorizing movies between ‘rotten’ or ‘fresh’. Keep reading what movies are considered to be the worst of the worst. We just hope your favorite movie is not on this list.

Find Out Why These Movies Deserved The Lowest Rating On Rotten Tomatoes!
Dark Crimes (2018)
Jim Carrey is iconic for doing comedy, but he can also do serious projects. In Dark Crimes, he delivered a great performance as an obsessed cop, although it was unable to save it. Critics called it ‘unpleasant thriller’ and thought that it failed to portray the real story of Krystian Bala. They found the movie dull and a noir fail. The good thing is that you can still enjoy it because Carrey is one heck of an actor!

Dark Crimes (2018)