Dog Stares At Something Outside The Window Every Day, The Reason Will Leave You Without Words

Published on 11/06/2019

Their Best Chance

From experience, the shelter staff knew that bonded dogs are harder to adopt out because many people aren’t ready for two new dogs at the same time. This is why they listed Taco and Merrill separately on their website, in the hopes of finding forever homes for each of the dogs. Since senior dogs are more difficult to find homes for, there was not much interest in Taco. However, Merrill was a different story.

Their Best Chance

Their Best Chance


Time To Leave The Shelter

When a man came to the shelter one day, wanting to adopt a dog, he saw Merrill and decided then and there that she was the one. After he went through the paperwork needed, the day finally came for the man to pick Merrill up. However, as she was being led out of the cage, with Taco being left inside, she started howling and didn’t stop. The man didn’t know what was going on.

Time To Leave The Shelter

Time To Leave The Shelter