Cooking Was Her Escape
Shifiri Shapira stated for her, “Cooking is better than any psychological treatment.” It was only through cooking she was able to escape the terrible depression she was in. In her audition tape for Master Chef she said, “I love to cook, I am in the kitchen all day, and that is what will hold me.” She continued, “Cooking is my therapy. If I had the sense, I should have come back to it immediately.”
But How Can You Cook While Blind?
A judge from the show, Haim Cohen, asked: “So from a practical perspective, how does someone who’s blind cook?” She replied, “I have a certain order that I put things on the table, one thing after another. I smell everything,” Shifri explained. “I do everything, I’m not afraid. Now I’m not willing to give up the things I want to do. I want to cook, I’m not a poor unfortunate, I don’t want to be thought of like that, I want to do what everyone else does, and quickly.”