25+ A-List Celebrities Who Haven’t Tied The Knot

Published on 03/24/2019

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel is a legend in the fashion industry. This world-famous designer and businesswoman had enjoyed her time in the company of numerous beaus and admirers. However, she did not marry any of them. She was also well-known for her unique choices in her personal and professional life and was quoted saying, “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”


Coco Chanel


Sheryl Crow

This famous, California-born singer has enjoyed a very successful career. However, her personal relationships with men may not be as successful. She used to date the internationally-known cyclist Lance Armstrong. The two had a well-publicized affair. However, the relationship did not last long, and shortly after the said breakup, Lance Armstrong was involved in a scandal regarding his usage of illegal enhancers in the competitions that he had joined. The lovebirds never did makeup and Sheryl remained unattached.


Sheryl Crow