Bride’s Mom Comes Across A Photo That Makes Her Rethink Her Future Son-In-Law

Published on 01/09/2020

Sharing The Discovery

The time had come to share the pictures with the two main characters in the story, Heidi and Ed. When they saw the pictures of them holding hands many years ago, the couple was absolutely astonished, and Kay’s discovery actually changed everything! Heidi recalled, “When my mom found the first photo of us, she sent it to me, and I was stunned. I actually had to lie down! Ed’s family then dug out their photo album from the same vacation and found about five other photos of us together with our siblings too. It was unbelievable!” Soon after, the entire family found out about the amazing discovery.

Sharing The Discovery

Sharing The Discovery


Meant To Be Together

The young couple always thought their love story began when Heidi came over in order to teach Ed how the washing machine can be operated but the truth is, the couple knew each other from way back, they simply didn’t realize it. They probably would have never realized it had Heidi’s mother not found the photo album which had the pictures from the two-week vacation which happened decades ago. “It absolutely blows my mind that we could have never found out that we first knew each other all those years ago,” Heidi said. Even after decades, fate brought the two back together and they still felt the unavoidable attraction toward each other. The discovery was like a sign – it confirmed the fact that the couple was meant to be together.

Meant To Be Together

Meant To Be Together