Tucker Carlson: The Story Of America’s Outspoken Anchor

Published on 03/29/2018

Gay Marriage

Even though Tucker is a republican, he isn’t against gay marriage. During a 2007 episode of his show, he said, “I’m just for marriage generally. I’m for people making a lifelong commitment. Do you know what I mean? I’m not against gay marriage, actually, and I’m the most right-wing person I know.” Carlson went on to say, “I think, marriage has been a great thing for me, and I think it’s a really civilizing force, and I think it would be a civilizing force for gay people too.” Talk about a twist ending. Although many applauded his brave statement.





Tucker Carlson isn’t the type of person to not loudly vocalize his beliefs, no matter how controversial. So when it comes to Russia, he doesn’t actually view them as a real threat to the United States of America. He has said numerous times that America needs to work alongside Russia in the Syrian Civil War. Peter Beinart of the Atlantic says Carlson has been an “apologist for Donald Trump on the Russia scandal”. Moreover, his thoughts on the controversy of Donald Trump Jr. accepting anti-Clinton information from a Russian official sound like they’re taking on a “new level of hysteria” and that Trump Jr. has just been “gossiping with foreigners.”

