Tucker Carlson: The Story Of America’s Outspoken Anchor

Published on 03/29/2018

Criticized 2000 Presidential Candidate John McCain

In 2000, when John McCain ran for President, Tucker Carlson had some views he wanted to share. “I liked McCain. And I would have voted for McCain for president happily, not because I agree with his politics; I never took McCain’s politics seriously enough even to have strong feelings about them. I don’t think McCain has very strong politics. He’s interested in ideas almost as little as George W. Bush is. McCain isn’t intellectual, and doesn’t have a strong ideology at all. He’s wound up sort of as a liberal Republican because he’s mad at other Republicans, not because he’s a liberal.” Hmm, many thought this was a very bold statement for Tucker.




Not A True Conservative

When it comes to his views on former U.S. President George W. Bush, he believes that he is “not a true conservative”. In 2004, during an interview with the Washington Post, Carlson spoke heavily of his “displeasure with Bush”. Carlson asked, “Why do so many antiwar liberals give [John] Kerry a pass when he adopts the Bush view on Iraq, as he has? The amount of team-playing on the left depresses me.” Many couldn’t decide if he was brave and bold for what he said, or mad.

