Everything You Didn’t Know About The Vikings

Published on 12/02/2018

Two Meals

Nowadays, the norm is to have three meals a day, right? Well, for the Vikings, they only had two meals every day. The first would be served an hour after rising, and the second meal was served in the evening, at the end of a working day.

Two Meals

Two Meals


Graffiti Runes

You would think that the runes carved on stones that were discovered must have serious meanings. Well, that would be incorrect. While there were some runes that held meaning, a lot of the runes discovered were, in fact, just the Viking’s form of graffiti. Things like “Ofram the son of Sigurd carved these runes” and “These runes were carved by the man most skilled in runes in the western ocean” were carved on many stones.

Graffiti Runes

Graffiti Runes