Everything You Didn’t Know About The Vikings

Published on 12/02/2018

Drinking Horns

Nowadays, drinking from a horn would seem quite barbaric, but during the Viking Age, it was awfully convenient. Drinking horns are mentioned in two prominent Norse sources: the Poetic Edda and Beowulf. It’s written that mead was served in drinking horns.

Drinking Horns

Drinking Horns


Legally Killed

There was a complex social structure in Norse tribes. As we’ve said, there were several levels of people and their social status. In fact, kings were chosen as exceptionally strong leaders and fighters who had the ability to protect and defend their people. To resolve problems, the Norse would meet in assemblies, with the king having the final say. Those who had committed serious crimes officially had no protection, meaning that anyone could legally kill them.

Legally Killed

Legally Killed