Survival Of The Fittest
According to, the Vikings valued physical strength more than anything. In order to survive, they relied on good health to get them through battles and tending to their land. This priority was handed down to each generation. They needed to be self-sufficient with their lifestyle as it was so physically demanding. Because of this, if there was a child that was born sick or with defects, the Vikings would abandon them.

Survival Of The Fittest
Expert Traders And Raiders
In the Viking lifestyle, trading was essential. They created many trails for trading routes and had more mobility than most groups of their day. This was mostly due to their excellent ship-building skills. It is actually believed that they were the first Europeans to reach North America. However, they just sailed for trade. The Vikings even got as far as Africa to get precious goods. Excavated Viking burial sites revealed dirhams (thin silver Arab coins from 750-950 AD)as well as Chinese silks and Persian jewelry, suggesting an expansive trading network, trading everything from slaves to furs and amber.

Expert Traders And Raiders