Everything You Didn’t Know About The Vikings

Published on 12/02/2018

They (Probably) Discovered America

Compared to the Vikings, Columbus hadn’t discovered much. Leif Erikson had stumbles across the North American continent. He was the son of Erik the Red who was a legendary explorer. Leif is said to have been the first European who discovered North America accidentally when he was attempting to make his way to Greenland. He ended up reaching the shores of Vineland, known today as Newfoundland. There were rumors about its abundance of grapes and a lush landscape, but Lief did not hold any interest for the scenery. After taking one look at the new land, he turned around and set sail for home, returning to Greenland with his men.

They (Probably) Discovered America

They (Probably) Discovered America


Onion Soup

Battle and war came hand-in-hand with being a Viking. At times, when warriors would return home, they would typically be sporting some serious gashes and cuts. So, in order to determine whether a wound was fatal or not, women would whip up this soup made of onions, leeks, and herbs. Then they would ensure the men eat every last bite of it. Once they were done eating, the women would smell the open wound. There was a wive’s tale at the time: if the women were able to smell the soup in the wound, that meant the wound was fatal. If not, the women would take care of the wound for recovery.

Onion Soup

Onion Soup