When He Sees The Note Left On The Bill, Waiter Rushes After The Customer

Published on 11/17/2019

Task Completed

The waitress assumed that the man really couldn’t have afforded to pay the tip, because eventually he changed it. After spending big on the date, the man really thought he was going to get away as the bigshot; without his girlfriend seeing his true colors. The woman was visually shocked at the whole ordeal, the man stared angrily at the waitress. He was raging, and everyone around could feel it. The waitress on the other hand felt very satisfied.


A Thousand Revenges

After acquiring the new receipt, filled out correctly, the disgruntled man and the visually disapproving girl drove off. The waitress felt vindicated, like she had taken revenge on all the other customers who have treated her, as well as other waitresses so poorly. The exact speech he had made earlier about waiting staff not being appreciated by people, was a prime example of what he had done, if not worse! The pair drove off, and we can only assume it didn’t quite work out for them.

If you enjoyed that story, read on to discover a similar event of some unpleasant customers getting their just desserts.