The Salaries Of White House Employees

Published on 01/15/2020

John A. Eisenberg (Legal Advisor to the National Security Council) – $183,000

John Eisenberg is the deputy counsel to the president for national security affairs and legal advisor to the National Security Council, earning $183,000 a year. Before working at the White House, he was a partner with the law firm Kirkland & Ellis.

John A. Eisenberg

John A. Eisenberg


Before And After Photos Show How Much Politicians Age During Their Time In Office

Theodore Roosevelt

The assassination of McKinley catapulted Vice President Roosevelt into his role as the youngest president in U.S. history. In addition to his domestic “Square Deal” program and passion for conservation, he is well known for his foreign policy. Wanting the U.S. to “speak softly and carry a big stick,” these efforts led to the construction of the Panama Canal and its Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese War. He left D.C. after his two terms were up. To go to the African safari.

Theodore Roosevelt: 1901-1909