These Children Of Celebrities Are Not Getting A Penny From Their Parents

Published on 02/20/2020

George Lucas – $4.9 billion

After Disney bought off his Star Wars franchise for $4.5 billion, George Lucas announced that proceeds from this purchase would go towards the improvement of education. The father of four is also committed to giving up his wealth. His 2012 Giving Pledge letter read, “As long as I have the resources at my disposal, I will seek to raise the bar for future generations of students of all ages.”

George Lucas

George Lucas – $4.9 billion


Ted Turner – $2.2 billion

In 1990, Ted Turner started the Turner Foundation. It hands out grants on environmental causes. It was a family foundation so his kids could also get involved in philanthropic work. In 1997, he went on to launch the United Nations Foundation by initially pledging $1 billion. This media mogul wrote, “At the time of my death, virtually all my wealth will have gone to charity.”

Ted Turner

Ted Turner – $2.2 billion