Fashion Forward
The 60s were a staple time not only for all the revolutionizing that was happening, forward-thinking, and free spirits but also for fashion. Elements and statements from the 60s are being seen in today’s fashion, boot-legged jeans, crop tops, Aztec and so much more. Fashion at Woodstock was said to be provocative and “eccentric” but in fact, it was a place for people to express their fashion sense, being and felt free to strut their stuff in trendy clothes.

Fashion Forward
No AC? No Problem!
Woodstock as previously mentioned was packed with people from near and far, the traffic entering was crazy. It took hours to enter the location and back in the 60s some cars did not have air conditioners, this is something super stressful and uncomfortable in that situation. Some decided they would make the best of a bad situation such as these young men who sat in the bonnet of their car and enjoyed the concert until they could be a part of it

No AC? No Problem!