Take A Look At These Woodstock Photos That Managed To Capture What The Event Was Really About

Published on 11/25/2020

Monkey Business

Security at Woodstock was not only super lenient but this meant that the people brought a few random and strange things with them, you would never expect to find some of these things at a concert that’s for sure. One of these things being a monkey, a pet monkey to a music festival. The truth is it was hard to control the situation and the concert since there were over half a million attendees. No doubt every human and animal had a good time, this picture goes to show.

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Monkey Business


Kids Entertainment

They had entertainment for those big and small this photo is seriously from the event. It may have been an adult rock music festival that was intended just for adults but for those that brought their children, there was a free puppet show. Tons of people brought their kids and groups of people came up with fun ways they too could enjoy and stay entertained. A rock music festival featuring a fabulous puppet show.

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Kids Entertainment