Take A Look At These Woodstock Photos That Managed To Capture What The Event Was Really About

Published on 11/25/2020

Jammed Up

Back to the traffic, people drove, hitch-hiked, and did whatever they had to- everything in their power to get to the festival- come rain or shine they were determined to be there. It took people hours to actually enter the festival and some hours to walk their way through, however, the overall idea and message behind the festival was worth the wait for many. The masses had shown up to celebrate peace and unity in a dark time for many.

Jammed Up



Hungry Souls

Woodstock promoters could not keep track of tickets and numbers, there was such an influx of people that they just let everyone in at some stage. This meant that the festival was certainly unprepared in terms of accommodating all these people’s needs. The festival ran so short of food, a three-day festival’s food turned into a bit of a disaster on this front- but a plan was made…

Hungry Souls