Take A Look At Your Favorite Big Star Wrestlers Today

Published on 02/18/2020

Stone Cold Steve Austin – $45 Million

After suffering many injuries, Steve Austin, also known as Stone Cold Steve Austin, was sent into his retirement after the ware tear on his body. He is worth nearly $45 million, given he has a six-time WWF Championship winner moved to act after retirement. He was featured as Inspector Jake Cage in Nash Bridges and appeared in The Expendables.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - $45 Million

Stone Cold Steve Austin – $45 Million


The Rock – $220 Million

This one is a name that almost everyone is acquainted with, given his big-time acting career. The “Rock” also known as Dwayne Douglas Johnson is a household name and one of the all-time-best wrestlers, which many don’t know. He is an extremely motivated man, with a net worth of $220 million and is named one of the most inspirational people. He also established the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation, which helps children who are terminally ill.

The Rock - $220 Million

The Rock – $220 Million