Take A Look At This Shocking Face Reveal Of Famous Legendary Wrestlers

Published on 12/07/2020

Juan Cena

We want to explain, first of all, that we have not misspelled that title. Once after his fight with the Nexus, John Cena was fired. WWE had him back finally, but they had a clear guideline for him to obey. He was not John Cena anymore, but Juan Cena! This also meant he needed a mask to wear.

Juan Cena

Juan Cena


Super Liger

In New Japan Pro Wrestling, Jericho, who also went by the moniker Super Liger, started his career. This mask, however, really did not do a single thing for him and his profession. He decided in the end to forget it and just go barefaced. We’re willing to bet it’s the first time you’ve seen him that way.

Super Liger

Super Liger