Take A Look At This Shocking Face Reveal Of Famous Legendary Wrestlers

Published on 12/07/2020

El Generico

Would you like to know who El Generico truly is? It turns out he was no other than Sami Zayn until he joined WWE Raw. He began to wrestle under cover of a mask, like a couple of wrestlers on our list. He decided as time went on, to simply ditch it and show everyone his face!

El Generico

El Generico


Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer still had a mask on over the years of his career. Remember the time when he was considered the World Wrestling Federation’s superhero? Definitely, we do. However, owing to a gimmick that went a bit too far, he met his untimely end. Blue Blazer, we’ll never forget you.

Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer