10 Animals That Can Detect Disease and Danger in Humans!

Published on 06/30/2016


Sharks are creatures from a different time, preserved in a different world than ours that exists just below the surface of our waves. While most of the animals on our list exhibit some forms of stress or fear when natural disasters are incoming, sharks seem to be the opposite. The Dunlap Marine Conservation Program at U of Miami has been tagging tiger sharks and other species of sea creatures for the better part of the last decade. Their research with sharks has revealed that the giant predators tend to flock toward where storms are developing and emerging. Apparently sharks tend to gravitate toward rapid changes in the oceans temperature. Why they do this is still up for debate, but the behavior itself can be really useful in scientific research. In fact sharks can become part of an organic storm detecting model with enough reliable research put into place.





Mice may be considered pests, much like rats, but you’ll soon find that both fuzzy little creatures have a world of application in the discovery of diseases. Mice have powerful senses of smell that can be used to sense avian flu. Researched produced at the Monell Chemical Senses Center out in Philadelphia, USA, found that mice react to a chemical found in disease laden birds. Their ability to sense avian flu exactly has been put up for some debate. Other researchers believe that the mice are actually sense the chemical reaction to the flue that the test birds were releasing in their body. In either event, this research shows that mice have a world of abilities and applications with their high powered sniffers that we hadn’t even thought about.

