Watch What You Eat and Drink
If you enjoy coffee or soft drinks make sure to limit your intake to the morning or early afternoon. Too much caffeine in your body can definitely disrupt sleep. While alcohol can calm us, drinking too much can negatively affect our sleep. There are several different foods that can help you to sleep better. Fish, especially salmon and tuna, can help increase your vitamin B6. This particular vitamin can increase your melatonin, which is a sleep inducing hormone. Other foods that can help induce sleep include Jasmine rice, yogurt, bananas, and turkey. It’s also a good idea not to eat anything at least a few hours before going to bed. Eating right before trying to go to sleep can cause acid reflux, which can definitely keep you up. Try to avoid any liquids, even water, a few hours before sleeping. This will help limit trips to the bathroom after you have already gotten comfortable in bed.

Watch What You Eat and Drink
Stay Active During the Day
Some people may simply not be active enough during the day to promote healthy sleep at night. While we don’t want to push ourselves to the point of exhaustion, being physically busy and active throughout the day will obviously make a person tired. It’s important not to confuse being mentally active with physical activity. While mental stimulation is also healthy, being overstressed mentally can keep a person up at night instead of promoting sleep. Exercising on a regular basis is not only good for your overall health but will help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper during the night. It’s important to remember, however, not to exercise too close to bedtime or you may be over stimulated when trying to sleep.

Stay Active During the Day