Skip Naps
It might seem smart to get any extra sleep you can if you’re not getting enough during the night, but this can actually make the problem worse. The first few days that you give up nap time will be rough and it will be harder to make it through the day. It’s also important to resist the urge to drink extra caffeine to make it through without a nap. But by skipping this daily ritual your body should be extra tired by bedtime. If going without a nap is too difficult, at least try to cut back on the amount of time spent napping. Try to take a short nap that’s less than 30 minutes and take it in the early or mid afternoon.

Skip Naps
Mentally Wind Down
Try to have all your thoughts from the day organized before crawling into bed. Some people may want to go over things that happened during the day before going to bed for the night. If you are one of these people, rehash the day before actually getting into bed. This will help your mind to associate your bed with relaxation and sleeping, not with stressful situations that happened throughout the day. Release all those stressful thoughts and worries before trying to sleep. If you have trouble completely emptying your mind, make a list of positive things to focus on before turning out the lights. A long, soothing bath before bed may also help you to unwind and relax.

Mentally Wind Down