6 Habits That Cause Belly Fat

Published on 09/08/2014

Eating too Much Dessert

Most desserts contain high amounts of sugar and fat, which of course easily adds pounds. Filling up with healthy carbs, proteins, and veggies will eliminate our cravings for dessert. If, however, you have to have something sweet after a meal there are lots of healthy alternatives. Yogurt with fruit and low fat jello with a small amount of whipped cream are both good choices. Indulging in chocolate cake or double crust apple pie every now and then is acceptable as long as the calories are cut somewhere else or a little extra exercise is incorporated into your daily workout routine. Also, when selecting desserts find out how much sugar verses fat is in the item. Even if the dessert is fat free but high in sugar, you’ll still gain weight. It may take some effort to find them, but there are delicious desserts that can be made or bought that have a good balance of fat, sugar, and other nutrients — and still taste good.

Too Much Dessert

Too Much Dessert

Drinking too Much Beer

It’s not surprising that the term “beer gut” is used to describe gaining too much weight from drinking a lot of this particular alcoholic beverage. While not all beer bellies are the result of beer, an individual can definitely gain excess weight by consuming too many beers. One reason is that beer is pretty much empty calories. Another reason beer can cause weight gain is that when the liver is processing alcohol it’s not burning fat. Drinking alcohol can also stimulate the appetite, causing you to ingest even more calories. If you’re going to drink it’s best to stick with wine, which has been shown to have some health benefits when drank in moderation and generally has fewer calories than a glass of beer. If you can’t imagine not enjoying a cold brew, try some of the many great tasting light beers. Sometimes having a small glass of water between drinks can limit how many alcoholic beverages you consume.

Beer Belly!

Beer Belly!