8 Most Effective Diets You Probably Never Heard Of

Published on 12/10/2014

Blood Type Diet

There truly is a diet for everyone, at least that is what naturopath Peter D’Adamo thinks. In his diet, the Blood Type Diet, you will eat food that is specifically geared toward your blood type. He insists that research shows that food reacts chemically with your blood type. So if you optimize the food you are eating then it should be digested more efficiently and in return you will lose weight, prevent disease and have more energy. Type O diets include a heavy emphasis on lean meat and various proteins. Type A diets are meat free and rely on organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. Type B is a standard well rounded diet without corn, wheat, or legumes. Type AB has a focus on tofu, seafood, and green veggies. For AB diets there is a special avoidance of caffeine, smoked meats, and alcohol.

Blood Type Diet

Blood Type Diet

Therapeutic Lifestyle Diet

The Therapeutic Lifestyle Diet or TLC, as we will refer to it, is a dietary program that is engineered toward getting your cholesterol down and your weight in check. This diet doesn’t place special emphasis on weight loss, but it definitely comes as a by product. You are expected to make lifestyle choices like exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, and eating proper foods. The TLC diet has a specific menu that allocates a % of food per day that you should be eating. The focus of the diet seems to be on getting lean meats and veggies onto your plate and to avoid anything that is covered in fat or sugar. You can look at the TLC diet as a sort of ‘no nonsense’ diet that aims for you to kick it into gear without relying on anything too fancy.

Therapeutic Lifestyle Diet

Therapeutic Lifestyle Diet