Not Kid Friendly: Steer Clear Of These Dogs If You Have A Family

Published on 10/13/2019

Staffordshire Terrier

The Staffordshire Terrier looks a lot like a Pit Bull. Even though they might have a physical resemblance, the breed is known to be friendly to humans. However, this is only true when you train them well. Like Pit Bulls, they were originally bred for dogfighting too. Many people are wary of them for this reason.

Staffordshire Terrier

Staffordshire Terrier


Japanese Tosa

The Japanese Tosa is a rare breed of dog that has been banned in various countries. Originally bred in Japan for dogfighting, the dog breed is one known for its aggression toward both animals and humans. These are bold and fearless creatures whose large size makes them difficult to rein in when they attack.

Japanese Tosa

Japanese Tosa