These Facts About Award-Winning Actress Sandra Bullock Will Blindside You

Published on 09/11/2019

Told To Turn It Down

In 1995, a People magazine report came out. It mentioned a remark Bullock made about the movie: “Everyone told me not to do Speed. I mean, it looked like I’d be just ‘the girl,’ but I’ve learned to do things by instinct.” We are glad that she did not back out of the film! After all, it ended up becoming her big break.

Told To Turn It Down

Told To Turn It Down


Adopting Her Son

On April 28, 2010, the actress announced that she proceeded with her plans to adopt. She and Jesse James started the process four months before that. Her son started to live with them in January, but they did not disclose this to the public until the Academy Awards in March. Even though they eventually separated and divorced, Sandra chose to keep her son and raise him on her own.

Adopting Her Son

Adopting Her Son