These Are The Ways Corona Virus Can Change Our Lives In The Long Run

Published on 05/11/2020

Even once the restrictions are lifted, our lives are not going to be the same as before the coronavirus. This pandemic is going to affect our lives in many different ways, the question is how? What’s going to change once this is all over?

Social Life

Social Life

Social Life


As a result of this pandemic, it’s likely that some people will become serious germophobes and try to avoid touching “contaminated” surfaces or shaking people’s hands. These phobias can result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors that interact with one another.

While these kinds of phobias are chronic, milder ones can be temporary and short-lived.

Wedding Culture

Wedding Culture

Wedding Culture

It might be too early to tell just how this virus will affect the wedding industry in the long-term. However, Lauren Kay, the executive editor of The Knot, said to NBC News that “when large gatherings are permitted again” she expects weddings will be among the “first events to thrive again.”

“It will definitely take some time to define what ‘normal’ looks like again for events and weddings following the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said. In fact, she spoke about how data from The Knot shows that only 4% of couples have completely canceled their weddings.