Why Did Their Doberman Begin Acting So Strangely All of A Sudden?

Published on 10/02/2018

The Dog’s Fate

They finally heard what they wanted to hear. The family felt like they had been waiting for centuries to hear that all was well. Regardless of the short time they spent, Khan had become a part of their family. They fell in love with him even more after he saved Charlotte’s life. The vets had given Khan an anti-venom to counter the poison inside his system, and they hoped it worked wonders.

The Dogs Fate

The Dog’s Fate


A Better Life

With his adoption, the family hoped to give a rescue another shot at life. When Catherine’s family had picked up Khan, they were told that the dog had been abused and neglected. Although a loving family had taken him in, Khan had not been able to enjoy his life with them because of this incident. The family desperately prayed for his healthy recovery, so that they can make up for all the sufferings Khan had gone through in his life.

A Better Life

A Better Life