These Strict Rules For The First Family Will Make You Rethink Your Wish To Become Part Of It

Published on 08/14/2019

Interior Designers And Curators

There is no interior designer on the White House staff. The task of hiring an interior designer for the first family falls on the first lady. This happens not long after the First Family moves into the White House. The designer is given the responsibility of organizing and redesigning the White House. However, the historical rooms are considered to be off-limits. For rooms that fall under that category, a staff curator is the person in charge of maintenance and care.

Interior Designers And Curators

Interior Designers And Curators


The Football Follows The POTUS

When the president goes traveling, you will be sure that “The Football” is going to be nearby. This is the nickname of the briefcase that always comes with the president. The public has no idea what it might contain, but it is undoubtedly something important. People assume that the briefcase contains the nuclear codes. Should the president be away in case of an attack, he can still access these codes. The briefcase allegedly weighs approximately 45 pounds, so we are not sure if there is anything else in there.

The Football Follows The POTUS

The Football Follows The POTUS