The White House Easter Egg Roll
The White House Easter Egg Roll is what they call the time-honored tradition in which kids roll Easter eggs using a spoon across the lawn of the White House. It has been happening since 1878, although there are also claims that it started during the Lincoln administration. It is held on Easter Sunday every year. The only times this has been called off was during major construction jobs and wartime. Tradition dictates that attendees receive a wooden Easter egg after the event, a practice started by FLOTUS Nancy Reagan.
Rules About Redecorating
Did you think the First Family has full control over the White House? It is easy to make this assumption, but you should know that this is not accurate at all. The White House is actually more like a museum than a proper house. There are some rooms they do not get the clearance to change. On the list would be the Lincoln Bedroom and the Oval Office. Decoration changes need to get the approval of the historical committee that supervises the White House. However, the second and third floors can be decorated to the liking of the First Lady.