Family Finds Something Valuable While Walking Their Dog Named ‘Lucky’

Published on 05/31/2020

Gold Rush

Gold Rush

Gold Rush


Bendigo is famous for its gold rush back in the 1800s. Over the course of 50 years, more gold was found in Bendigo than anywhere else in the world. However, the city was built on rich gold-bearing quartz reefs and still hasn’t given up all its treasure. Luck was definitely on John and his family’s side that day.

The Shore

The Shore

The Shore

John walked a little ahead of his daughters while keeping an eye out for treacherous rocks. They were reaching Lucky’s favorite spot – the shore of the lake. John turned around to see Ellie taking off Lucky’s leash. Instantly, the dog was off. With his wagging tail and lolling tongue, his expression showed pure joy. John couldn’t help but smile at the dog’s reaction.

All of a sudden, he heard a shriek. His blood ran cold.