You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Orientation key

Orientation keys are keys on keyboards such as computers, telephones and ATMs. One reason is to make input easier for blind people. The orientation keys on computers or typewriters are located on the F and J keys. They help to use the “ten-finger system”, which is indispensable in professional life today, and to find the keys without looking. On the numeric keypad, the orientation key is on the number 5. Here too, practice makes perfect.

Double Keyboard Bumps

Orientation key


Hole in the pen cover

There are two reasons for the hole in the pen cap. Firstly, it is to prevent the ink from leaking, because ballpoint pens without this type of “ventilation” contain sealed ink systems and are therefore under great pressure. Secondly, these mini-holes can actually save lives. People often chew on pens unknowingly and children in particular are not really careful here. The lid is quickly swallowed and this has already cost many people their lives. The hole means that if swallowed, the windpipe is not completely blocked and can thus provide protection until the emergency doctor arrives.

Hole in the pen lid