You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Microphone next to the camera

iPhone users probably already know it, but for those who haven’t heard about it yet, that little black dot next to the camera is a third microphone. However, this is only for noise reduction and not for sound recording. It serves to provide superior sound quality by eliminating background noise and also provides better sound when recording video in a crowded place like a concert. Since the iPhone 5, this is available on all iPhones.

Microphone next to the camera


Wavy side of the bobby pins

Many women don’t know it and therefore do it wrong. We are talking about bobby pins. Most people assume that the wavy side belongs on top, but this is wrong. In reality, the wavy side belongs downwards, i.e. on the head. The waves provide a better hold and are less likely to slip. The hair is held better by the wave shape and the hairstyle stays as it should. On the head. A small tip with an extremely big effect.

Wavy side of the bobby pins