You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

TicTac Hack

If you’ve been guilty of tossing some TicTacs into your hand and then putting them all but the one you want back into the container, we have great news for you. The notch at the top of a TicTac bottle cap is designed to catch only one TicTac when you tip over the opening. This saves you the time spent cleaning up your spill.


TicTac Hack


The hole in your spaghetti spoon

Yes, you can use these spoons to drain pasta, but their holes can also be used for something else! They can be used to measure the amount of spaghetti. All you have to do is put pieces of spaghetti through these holes and you will get a perfect measurement.


The hole in your spaghetti spoon