You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Grooves between tire treads

The impressions on your tires don’t just leave cool marks when you drive over a patch of snow. The deepest point in the grooves indicates the deepest point the tire should ever reach. If you notice that the tires on your vehicle are smooth and have no grooves, then you should definitely have them replaced as soon as possible!

Grooves Between Tire Treads

Grooves between tire treads


Petrol pump lock

If you’ve ever wondered what the strange latch on the gas pump is for and why you have to stand there holding the pump when you fill up the car, then this handy trick will definitely give you the answers. This latch can actually be locked between the grooves of the gas pump handle, so you can walk away but keep pumping gas into your car!

Gas Pump Latch

Petrol pump latch