Aluminum foil
We feel like we use aluminum foil almost every hour – we really would be lost without it. But there is one little thing that bothers us… It’s all well and good having it on a roll, BUT only if the roll stays in the box and doesn’t roll up on the kitchen floor at lightning speed. Turns out we were doing it all wrong – most tin foil (and other similar products) have little cardboard tabs at either end of the cardboard tube that you have to push inwards to secure the roll in the box. Why didn’t we think of that…?
Not that we can use chopsticks, but if we tell ourselves that it’s easier to use chopsticks than a fork to eat our egg fried rice, we always have to think about where to stick them between bites. You don’t want them lying flat on the table (especially because you know when the last time you washed the table was…. ) and they don’t balance well on the edge of a giant pasta bowl without falling in and getting wet. But this Reddit user has the perfect chopstick hack that solves all your problems. Instead of keeping that annoying block of wood at the end of your chopsticks, you can snap it off and use it as a pad between bites. Ingenious!